First Monday of every month
7:00pm @ Spencer Library | Event Room N
427 Spencer Road,Saint Peters, Missouri 63376

Titus 2:11-14

“11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,
12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;
13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.”

Redeeming the time.

The church is not a building, but a people! Yet the Bible tells us His people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6) We must make certain our beliefs reflect God’s Word; not altering God’s Word to agree with our beliefs.

It is both a privilege and a responsibility to share the Word of God, allowing the Bible to interpret Itself. It is the Truth that makes us free and the only way to find salvation, so why settle for less?

We believe it is God that transforms lives. It is not our place to change people; rather, to bring others before the King that they may develop a conviction to obey the Truth and so be saved, filled with His Spirit. (1 Peter 1:22-23; Acts 2:4, 38)

In a day and age where evil seems to prevail, we must conduct ourselves according to the wisdom of God, that we may both understand and do the will of the LORD.


Our Services.

Our Spirit-led worship is exciting and passionate, setting the atmosphere for God to move; where we prepare our hearts to stand in the presence of the King.

The preaching is dynamic, convicting, and Bible-based, designed to deepen our relationship with God and to seek and to save that which is lost. (Luke 19:10) If you are not a part of a church (or would just like more of God) we invite you to join us.

First Monday of every month
7:00pm @ Spencer Library | Event Room N
427 Spencer Road, Saint Peters, Missouri 63376


Our Purpose.

Ephesians 4:30
“And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption."

Our purpose is to build God's Church, to share God's love, and to advance God's Kingdom. It’s all about Him!

We are here to bring hope, healing, growth, restoration, and new beginnings to our community and the world in which we live by proclaiming the only true Word of God and then living what we proclaim.

Who We Are.

Redemption House is a grassroots / early church movement that exists to cultivate a safe and sacred atmosphere to build Biblical conviction through the prophetic direction of God, leading to eternal life.  Simply put, if it is in the Bible we believe it, obey it, and preach it.  If it is not in the Bible, we do not practice it nor acknowledge it as anything except the heresy (extra-Biblical) that it is.

While we do not affiliate with any denomination, we are apostolic in belief and pentecostal in practice.  Apostolic because we believe in the spiritual authority held by the apostles to preach the doctrine of Christ and establish the five-fold ministry to further the Kingdom of God. Pentecostal because we believe the first Pentecost after Christ's resurrection was the birth of the church as according to Acts chapter 2.

While the majority of churches maintain their status in the 501(c)3 non-profit sector as a state church, we are establishing ourselves as a 508(c)(1)(A) free church.  What this means is that we are intrinsically separate from the government in every way possible.  We completely rely on financial generosity of others, prayer, and ultimately God to carry out His work.

Everything we do is all and only for Jesus. We believe in complete restoration, which includes tearing down historical, political, and traditional filters, that we may look at what the Bible actually declares: How one must live in accordance to the Scriptures, including a life of modesty in spirit, mind, thought, and image. [2 Corinthians 5:14-21]

A few things we are not: We are not in the business to play church, nor do we compete with other churches. We are not about programs, trying to be the best (or loudest) sound, entry prizes, entertainment, the latest technology, nor any hype.  We simply want Jesus and believe the Word of God is enough to both draw and sustain people that truly desire more of God - to discover an honest and authentic move of the Holy Ghost.


Everything begins, ends, and continues in prayer. It should be our first response, not our last resort, if we want His perfect will and not merely His permissible will.


Anointed and prolific, Spirit-filled worship driven by the heartbeat of God. Worship is not just a song, but a lifestyle dedicated and consecrated to Christ Jesus, the one true God.


Bible saturated messages that will challenge and empower you to live as Christ lived. In a world full of depravity, we can have confidence to be the light in which we were called.


The alter is for everyone desiring to encounter the God of restoration, transformation, and salvation. Every service offers an opportunity to respond to the Word of God.


We will never manipulate nor guilt anyone into a decision to give. However, there is always opportunity to give of time, talent, and treasure - cheerfully to the Kingdom of God.


We believe it is essential to partake in the LORD’s supper often and with fellow believers. Yet, we must examine ourselves to ensure we are worthy of the holy sacrament.


We all need Jesus, yet we also need each other. Fellowship is not only an essential focus, it is a Biblical mandate. Connecting with one another is vital to loving others as Christ loves us.


Without faith, it is impossible to please God.  Everything must be fueled by our faith - that is our convictions and trust in the doctrine of Christ and walk worthy of the LORD.

© 2024 Redemption House.  All Rights Reserved.